Balcony Season
Last week we had snow. Can you believe it? It was 70 degrees one day and the next it was snowing. And yesterday we hit 85 and had our first thunderstorm. Crazy!
Through most of it, I was inside quilting. I'm nearly finished with my balcony blanket. I had just enough scraps and Kona snow to make a lap sized blanket. I also had just enough of the lightweight yellow gingham for the backing. This quilt was meant to be!
As soon as it's bound (in red, I think), I'll put it out on the couch on the balcony. It'll be the perfect size for pulling around shoulders or tucking in around ankles when the mornings are a bit chilly. I can't wait for some reliable weather so I can set up the balcony for the season!
Pretty quilt! Pretty snow, too, though I'm so over snow for the year (and we barely got any this year...).