Grandmother's Flower Garden: First Blooms

Check it out, you guys! I finished the first two flowers for my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt.

great grandmother's flower garden

I felt pretty wild and out of control when I was sewing these. I pieced and ironed, pieced and ironed...ripped out stitches, lined up edges...ironed...ironed...and after (and because of?) all that, I pretty much knew it wasn't going to work.

great grandmother's flower garden

But then I fliped them over and they looked just like they were supposed to! Hurray!

great grandmother's flower garden

It took me about 2 hours to cut, mark, sew and iron each flower. Not bad considering how long it would have taken me to sew one by hand (hint: forever!). I also think, with a little more practice, I'll be able to sew them better and faster. I'm still nervous about making an entire quilt but I'll think about that later...much later.

(Finished hexagons measure 1 1/8" on each edge, machine sewn using this tutorial)


  1. So pretty! So you did these by machine? they look perfect!

  2. These look great! I'm seriously considering this method to finish the blocks I need to complete my grandmother's flower garden queen-size quilt. (I think I only need ten more, but right now that seems like 100!) I was hand-piecing like crazy for a while and then just reached a point that I didn't want to hand-sew another block. That project hasn't been touched in months and this technique just might solve that problem and move this quilt from the UFO bin. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Your procress is wonderful, keep it going.

  4. they look fantabulous! Love your fabric choices! GFG is one of my all-time FAVES!

  5. Agent Courtney sent us to your blog, and I'm happy that I came. I like Sewing and Knitting more than Quilting and put them in my two novels. I like your section of "Sewing Tutorials". Do you also do Knitting? Best wishes from Canada

  6. Wow... these are beautiful. I love your creativity..

    Garden Center Online


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