Spiderweb Block

You all know I had to make a Spiderweb block for my Modern Sampler quilt, right?

spiderweb quilt block

And I'm really happy I did because I love how it turned out! I'm also 99% sure I'm not going to make another one. This block took forever and I was really nervous about my webs matching up in nice points. Maybe I'd consider making a mini quilt some day (this block really is fun to look at) but I'm not going to make a whole quilt.

I used Elizabeth's tutorial with just a few modifications. To make one 17" (unfinished) block, I started with four 8.75" squares of background fabric. Then I cut them each into only two triangles. My kite measurement was 2.5" from the corner (Elizabeth's is 2"). The rest is the same so check out her tutorial. I even clipped the base fabric at the corners to reduce bulk. What a fantastic idea!

spiderweb quilt block (back)

My layout was inspired by Jacquie's selvedge spiderweb tutorial. I love the quarter webs in the corners!

spiderweb quilt block

Both tutorials are awesome so check them out. And don't forget to add your pictures to their flickr groups:

Oh Fransson! Flickr Group
Tallgrass Prarie Studio Flickr Group