French Cooking

Karrie and I spent Saturday (trying to) master the art of french cooking.

Mastering the art of french cooking

We started grocery shopping at 9am and sat down to dinner at 8:30 pm. We had a total of 3 hours down time and we spent two of those watching Julie & Julia before we even started making dinner.

It was definitely a day of adventures and a day of lessons. We learned that aprons are cute and helpful in the kitchen:

new aprons

We learned that Genoise cake, while appearing simple...

Genoise Cake=disaster! actually a mystery:

Genoise Cake=disaster!

We also learned that chocolate, butter and rum...

making frosting

...makes everything right again:

chocolate frosting

We learned that browning mushrooms is easy if you don't crowd the pan. And that frozen peas help burned hands feel better:

burned hands and cold peas

We learned that a pretty table is nice but sharing the fruits of a hard day's work with friends and family is nicer.

a beautiful table

And I learned that while the meal was satisfying, the day itself was more satisfying. We made everything with our own two hands, we made it well (for the most part) and 12 hours later, we were still having fun. I learned that days like that are meant to be savored and enjoyed, much like the meal itself.

And now, all that's left to say is: Bon appetite!