Sewing Project Tutorials
Thanks for your interest in my patterns and tutorials! Here you will find project tutorials for bags, home items and other fun things!
Terms of Use: I am a firm believer that once you make something, it is yours to do with as you please. This includes (on a small home scale) selling anything that you make using my tutorials and patterns. Please credit where appropriate.
Also, while the things you make are your hard work, these tutorials and patterns are my hard work. Feel free to link to them all you like but please do not copy, sell or otherwise present these tutorials as your own work.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Enjoy!

For the Home

For the Kitchen

For Entertainment

To Ward off the Cold

Terms of Use: I am a firm believer that once you make something, it is yours to do with as you please. This includes (on a small home scale) selling anything that you make using my tutorials and patterns. Please credit where appropriate.
Also, while the things you make are your hard work, these tutorials and patterns are my hard work. Feel free to link to them all you like but please do not copy, sell or otherwise present these tutorials as your own work.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Enjoy!