Fest Quilt Progress!

Check it out! I managed to make 28 blocks over my three day weekend. These blocks are super easy and hardly take any time to assemble once the fabric is cut. The part that takes the longest is deciding on fabric pairings.
I have all of next week off of work and Ian will be busy with school things. I'll have SO much time to sew! If I can keep up this momentum, it's totally possible to finish this quilt by the end of my vacation.
I really like this idea of having one quilt be the priority for the month. It allows me to just focus on something I want to do and not feel pressured to get a million other things done.
I already have October's quilt planned but I won't let myself start that one until the first weekend in October. Once my fest quilt is done, I'll use the rest of September to work on one of my many works in progress, probably one of the orphan block quilts. It's a nice system. I feel like there is enough time to do it all.
wow you are making a lot of progress! lovely pattern. and what a nice story too from your previous post.