Orange and Green

orange green

orange green3

orange green4

So, I started this quilt 6 years ago. Everyone was really into 9-patches around that time and I had created a tutorial for a fast way to make two 9-patches at once. Once I made those first orange and green blocks, I was hooked! I just HAD to make more!

Soon I had enough to finish a top that then spent a few years hanging in the closet with my other finished tops. And now, 6 years later, this quilt is finished and living with my dear friend Karrie.

I'll be honest...there was a moment before I gave it to her where I contemplated keeping it for myself for just a few days longer. I'm not a bad person...I just really love this quilt! It's so bright and cheery and I just love the combination of orange and green. But, I also really love Karrie so it wasn't that hard to give it to her this weekend.

The 9-patches finish at 10.5" and the overall quilt is approximately 56" x 68". It's backed with a super soft flannel.

I tried loopy quilting for the first time. I really like how it gives a sort of happy energy to the quilt. I did have some tension issues and had to go back and fix a dozen or so loops. I'm a bit rusty, though. I haven't free motion quilted a quilt in years. I definitely need more practice.

This is my 8th finished quilt this year. That sounds like a lot (to me anyway) but half of them were already finished tops. I'm trying to make a dent in the pile...I don't actually know how many finished tops I have. I'm going to count them and let you know...I'm scared!


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