Go Yarnicorns!

Last year I participated in the Yarn-athon at Eat Sleep Knit (my favorite online yarn sore). I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that when you buy yarn, you're automatically entered in the Yarn-athon. All the yards I purchased started to add up and soon I was earning milestone awards. Like my mug and $20 store credits. Oh man, was I good at running that Yarn-athon! And at the end of the year, my team (Team Stitchosaurs) actually won! As a prize, all the Stitchosaurs got a $20 store credit.

Now it's 2015 and I'm a Yarnicorn. I'm ready to run and get some prizes...only...I don't actually need more yarn! Thankfully, there are ways to earn yards and prizes by earning badges and participating in knit-alongs. It's a pretty fun idea, actually. The discussions and knit-alongs are through Ravelry which I love! I love that this online store feels like a neighborhood store. It's a wonderfully nice and welcoming community...one I don't have access to in real life.

This year, instead of buying yarn (or fabric) that would be perfect for projects, I'm going to actually make those projects. 2015 will be about finishing things up and giving things away. I want to focus on making useful items and learning new techniques.
At the end of this year, I'd like to reduce my yarn stash by some noticeable amount...maybe as much as half? Is that even possible? Let's say it is so that is now my goal.
This weekend I will be taking a yarn inventory and calculating the total weight of my yarn stash. I'll keep a running tally of how much yarn I've used and how much I add back in throughout the year. Ideally, I will not be purchasing new yarn...only I know that sometimes you need a certain color for a project and that just happens to be the color you don't have!
Anyway, stay tuned for all the yarn (and fabric) fun this year! Go Yarnicorns!
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