11,890 Grams

11,890 grams. 26.2 lbs. 126 skeins. Approximately 45,000 yards.
This is my entire collection of yarn. It's a lot. I'm pretty shocked. And yet, I bet at some point during the year, there will be a yarn I want for a project but don't already have. How is that possible?
The last photo shows my entire collection except for any "in process" projects or yarn set aside for projects in the near future. So, add to that maybe 10 gallon-sized ziplock bags of yarn and wips. I'm not sure I'll be able to use up half my stash in one year but I'm going to try!
Extra-cat and I had so much fun going through everything...weighing and sorting and organizing. It was a fun morning! But actually making things will be even MORE fun! Stay tuned!
what a nice stash you have! i spotted my little skein of handspun in the last photo and it warms my heart. i desperately need to organize mine. i'm waiting for a delivery of 2 gallon ziplocs and then i can get to work.